Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Bottled in..

We're humans. 
We tend to have a full load of emotions. 
Feelings are something we live through every second of every day. Sometime we resent them, other times we celebrate them.
But in both cases, we release them. 
And when we do, we choose. Do we want to share them with someone else, feel that warm embrace as we relive that emotion fully one more time? Or do we want to just let them go on their own accord? 
Sometimes we just set them free. Like those bottles in the sea. Filled with letters, words, and feelings. Things you can't say or pain you don't want to feel. 
And when you throw that bottle and hear it plummet into the ocean, it makes you feel lighter, more at ease. 
And at the same time, there's always that small possibility that someone might read it.
That your experience mattered, that going through it left a mark on someone out there, no matter who they were and where they are..

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